About Me

My name is Duc Huynh, and I am currently living in Savannah, Ga. I really enjoy gardening, data, and mathematics (and Dragon Ball Z). This blog records my progress in creating smart aquaponics with machine learning to help my wife grow delicious veggies, strawberries, and roses.

I have three goals that I wish to accomplish in the next several years:

  1. Develop an open-source software that can track the health of an aquaponics system: (I) Assess system health using basic logistic regression on water parameters, (II) Detect anomalies in fish movements using OpenCV for imaging and librosa for audio, detecting plants health using basic image classifier, (III) implement Retrieval Augmented Generation using ChromaDB on peer-reviewed articles. This helps answer questions on the system with trusted sources.
  2. Develop small-scale models for K-12 students to learn agriculture.
  3. Retire and sell organic vegetables, fruits, and roses to locals at Forsyth Farmers Market.

Please contact me at duc@sophelen.com for any comments or questions.

Please follow my YouTube channel:
